20-26 Aug 2017 PLOUZANE (France)

Registration Fees

Registration fees

Full Package1 :

Student : 150€

Early Career : 200€

Standard rate : 280€

Accompanying person : 600€


1 The full package includes:

  • Access to the conferences/laboratories
  • 1 copy of the book of abstracts
  • Coffee-breaks and on-site lunches (from August 21st to August 26th, 2017)
  • Accommodation and breakfast at Hôtel Vauban (check-in August 20th, 2017, check-out August 27th, 2017)
  • Transportation between Hôtel Vauban and IUEM (from August 20th to August 26th, 2017)
  • Social dinners (4 evenings : 20/08/2017, 22/08/2017, 24/08/2017 and 26/08/2017)
  • Recreationnal activities (kayak, paddle or zodiac tour)

Note that accompanying persons will not attend the practicals.


Limited Package2 :


 * Free of charge for IUEM employees


2 The limited package includes:

  • Access to the conferences
  • 1 copy of the book of abstracts
  • morning coffee-breaks and lunches (from August 21st to August 26th, 2017)


In any case, the registration fee does not include:

  • Travelling expenses
  • Dinners other than social dinners
  • Personal expenses


 Payment form will be online after April 30th, 2017.

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